Liberty shows

IMG 1511

„There is something about the outside of a horse, that is good for the inside of a man”
Winston Churchill


Horses embody freedom and harmony. The impressive sight of these sensitive yet powerful beings captivates everybody.

The purpose of my liberty shows is to demonstrate to the audience how harmonic and delicate the relationship between horse and man can be. The horses reveal aspects of their true character as they express their emotions and moods and freely decide to perform spectacular tasks. In addition the shows are beautiful to watch and refreshing to the soul.

I can do the show with one, two, three or four horses. The showroom must be fully and securely closed (I can bring my portable electric fence if needed). The duration of the show is flexible. I can do shows in Hungary and abroad. (videos, articles ).

As a specialty, a joint production can be ordered with Felix Lajkó violinist. (videos)

Please contact for more information by phone or email.

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