Training young horses

fiatal lovak foto Venczel ZsoltOne of my specialities to build solid relationship between the humans and the green horses and start the youngsters under the saddle (earliest age of 3 and half years old). The first three months is about building a solid partnership, generally it takes 3 months (the time varies with individual horses). The young horse learns to have confidence in the person handling it, accept him/her as a leader and become accustomed to normal aspects of its environment (riding hall/indoor arena, the farrier, electric fence, being washed/wash stall... etc.) and getting used to the snaffle bridle and saddle.

Basic groundwork teaches the young horse to move away from pressure in a series of exercise that encourage flexibility, and good forward movement. I continue with lunging, which allows the horse to develop the strength needed to carry the weight of a rider, and also starting already working towards straightness.

The work under the saddle is gradual based on the classical principles (Scool of Légérete) taking into account the physical condition and muscular development of the young horse. Basic under saddle training is combined with groundwork and it takes (approximately) another three months. By the end of 6 month the young horse, has good ground manners, lunging well, and can be ridden on all three gaits indoor and outdoor.

For me socialization is an important part of the young horse’s training. The mares and geldings spending most of the day in a paddock/field that they share with other horses.

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